Corona in Serbia: Interview with Dr Chiheb Guerfel

1. sezona – 4. epizoda – 35 minuta

Foreigners Speak Serbian #4

Corona in Serbia

Interview with Dr Chiheb Guerfel

Corona in Serbia 2020 is the main topic of this episode. 

This is the 4th episode in the “Foreigners Speak Serbian” series of my Serbian language podcast. In this episode Magdalena and Dr Chiheb talk about the Corona in Serbia: the virus pandemic in 2020, the current situation in Serbia and how to deal with the epidemic.

Dr Chiheb Guerfel is a Tunisian who lives in Novi Sad, Serbia. He is a CEO and founder of Poseidon CRO group of companies engaged in epidemiologic and clinical research. Visit Dr Chiheb’s company website.

English and Serbian subtitles are available in the video.

We talked about:

– State of emergency in Serbia

– Corona virus pandemic 

– Symptoms of the Covid19 disease

– What we can do in such circumstances

/Transkript intervjua/

Magdalena: Danas je 17. april 2020. godine. Prošlo je nešto više od mesec dana otkako je u Srbiji proglašeno vanredno stanje zbog epidemije korona virusa. Da vas podsetim, prvi slučaj korona virusa u Srbiji registrovan je šestog marta. A 15. marta proglašeno je vanredno stanje u zemlji.


Prema poslednjim podacima Instituta za javno zdravlje u Srbiji je do sada ukupno testirano 32.566 ljudi koji su ispunjavali kriterijume. Od toga je 5.690 zaraženih. 3.765 je hospitalizovanih ljudi. Na respiratoru je 122 osobe, a umrlo je 110 ljudi. Zaraženo je oko 600 zdravstvenih radnika, lekara i medicinskih sestara, petoro ih je preminulo.

Ali imamo i dobre vesti. Broj izlečenih je 534. Najavljeno je otpuštanje još 200 hospitalizovanih ljudi u narednim danima. U Srbiji je počela proizvodnja hlorokina, leka protiv korone. U Kragujevcu, ekipa inženjera i naučnika razvija četvrti prototip alternativnog respiratora koji će možda moći da se koristi i u kućnim uslovima.

Nove podatke o stanju u Srbiji, o korona virusu u Srbiji možete videti svakoga dana od 15 časova na sajtu Ministarstva zdravlja

Iako su mnogi ispočetka sumnjali, sada je, nadam se, već svima jasno koliko je situacija ozbiljna.

Danas je sa mnom doktor Šiheb Guerfel, Tunižanin koji živi i radi u Novom Sadu i vodi grupu kompanija Poseidon CRO za epidemiološka i klinička istraživanja sa kancelarijama u Tunisu, Maroku, Mađarskoj, Crnoj Gori i Srbiji.

Doktore, dobar dan.


Dr Šiheb: Dobar dan.



/English translation/

Magdalena: Today is April 17, 2020. It’s been a little over a month since the state of emergency was declared in Serbia due to the Corona virus epidemic. Let me remind you, the first case of the Corona virus in Serbia was registered on March 6th. And on March 15th a state of emergency was declared in the country.

According to the latest figures from the Institute of Public Health in Serbia, 32,566 people who met the criteria were tested so far. 5,690 are infected. 3,765 people are hospitalized. On respirators there are 122 people, and 110 people died. About 600 healthcare workers were infected, both doctors and nurses, five of them died.

But, we also have good news. The number of people cured is 534. The release of 200 more hospitalized people was announced in the coming days. The production of chloroquine, a Corona drug, has begun in Serbia. In Kragujevac, a team of engineers and scientists is developing a fourth prototype of an alternative respirator that will perhaps be used at homes.

New data on the situation in Serbia, on the Corona virus in Serbia can be seen every day from 3pm on the Ministry of Health’s website

Although many doubted at first, it is now, I hope, already clear to everyone how serious the situation is.

Today, with me is Dr. Chiheb Guerfel, a Tunisian who lives and works in Novi Sad and runs Poseidon CRO group of companies for epidemiological and clinical research with offices in Tunisia, Morocco, Hungary, Montenegro and Serbia.

Good afternoon, doctor.


Dr. Chiheb: Good day.

Meet The Host of the “Foreigners speak Serbian” Podcast

Corona in Serbia: Interview with Dr Chiheb Guerfel 1

Magdalena Petrovic Jelic

Dedicated Serbian language teacher with a mission to create the best place on the web for learning Serbian. Polyglot and perpetual language learner. True grammar lover. Mother of a 3 years old Viktor and tireless story-teller.


Posvećena profesorica srpskog jezika sa misijom da stvori najbolje mesto na internetu za učenje srpskog jezika. Poliglota i večiti učilac jezika. Iskreni ljubitelj gramatike. Majka trogodišnjeg Viktora i neumorni pripovedač.


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Start Learning Serbian Today!

The sooner you start learning, the sooner you’ll start talking. Take action today! Choose one of our Serbian language courses or contact us with any question you might have.

Israeli Historian Speaks Serbian

1. sezona – 3. epizoda – 43 minuta

Foreigners Speak Serbian #3

Israeli Historian Speaks Serbian

Interview with Orel Beilinson

In this episode, I present you one of my most talented students, if not the most talented, Orel Belinson. 

How come this Israeli historian speaks Serbian so fluently?

It’s only one of more than 10 languages he speaks. The two Serbian scripts, Cyrillic and Latin, are a piece of cake, compared to the scripts he reads and writes daily, such as the Arabic and Hebrew scripts. But he read some even more complicated scripts, as you’ll find out in this interview. 

Join us as we talk in Serbian about languages, history and some politics, inevitably. (English and Serbian subtitles are available in the video.)

This episode was made possible by your donations, thank you very much!


Visit Orel’s website to read more about him.

We talked about:

– Motivation and reasons for learning languages

– Why having a good teacher is crucial when learning “small” languages

– Political situation in Serbia and the surrounding countries

– Tourist experience and food in Serbia

Meet The Host of the “Foreigners speak Serbian” Podcast

Israeli Historian Speaks Serbian 2

Magdalena Petrovic Jelic

Dedicated Serbian language teacher with a mission to create the best place on the web for learning Serbian. Polyglot and perpetual language learner. True grammar lover. Mother of a 3 years old Viktor and tireless story-teller.


Posvećena profesorica srpskog jezika sa misijom da stvori najbolje mesto na internetu za učenje srpskog jezika. Poliglota i večiti učilac jezika. Iskreni ljubitelj gramatike. Majka trogodišnjeg Viktora i neumorni pripovedač.


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Learn Serbian Today!

The sooner you start learning, the sooner you’ll start talking. Take action today!

Choose one of our Serbian language courses at our Serbian language school Serbonika: Start with our FREE introductory Serbian course and learn Serbian right away!

Tatar teaches Serbian: Interview with Azat Fattakhov

1. sezona – 2. epizoda – 40 minuta

Foreigners Speak Serbian #2

A Tatar Teaches Serbian

Interview with Azat Fattakhov

How did it happen that a Tatar teaches Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian and Montenegrin?

He wanted to help and travel the Europe. He found his quest in the Velebit mountain in Croatia, near the Adriatic sea, while taking care of the bears and educating tourists.

In less then a year he learned Croatian and Serbian so well that he started to teach new volunteers. He adopted a special method and helped them start having basic communication with Croats and Serbs on a daily basis.

In this Serbian language podcast, you’ll listen about how a Tatar teaches Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian and Montenegrin now, how he started, and why he doesn’t teach Russian. 

I present you Azat Fattakhov from Kazan.

We talked about:

– How to survive meeting a bear

– A very popular Russian method for learning languages quickly 

– Differences and similarities between Serbian and Russian, Tatar and Turkish

– Vegetarian life in the Balkans

– What to focus on when starting Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian and Montenegrin

Meet The Host of the “Foreigners speak Serbian” Podcast

Tatar teaches Serbian: Interview with Azat Fattakhov 3

Magdalena Petrovic Jelic

Dedicated Serbian language teacher with a mission to create the best place on the web for learning Serbian. Polyglot and perpetual language learner. True grammar lover. Mother of a 3 years old Viktor and tireless story-teller.


Posvećena profesorica srpskog jezika sa misijom da stvori najbolje mesto na internetu za učenje srpskog jezika. Poliglota i večiti učilac jezika. Iskreni ljubitelj gramatike. Majka trogodišnjeg Viktora i neumorni pripovedač.


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Related Pages

Learn Serbian Today!

The sooner you start learning, the sooner you’ll start talking. Take action today!

Choose one of our Serbian language courses at our Serbian language school Serbonika: Start with our FREE introductory Serbian course and learn Serbian right away!

German speaks Serbian: Interview with Henning Jochem

1. sezona – 1. epizoda – 28 minuta

Foreigners Speak Serbian #1

A German Speaks Serbian

Interview with Henning Jochem

How one German fell in love with the Slavic languages. He studied the English language and literature. Then he visited a friend in Poland and loved it there… Afterwards he visited Serbia and decided to start learning Serbian.

He is now fluent in Polish and Serbian and speaks some Russian.

I present you my student, my dear friend and my German teacher: Henning Jochem from Berlin.

We talked about:

– How knowing another Slavic language both helps and obstructs your Serbian

– Why learning a new script is so difficult and what it takes to master Cyrillic

– Can you speak Serbian in Croatia and Slovenia

– Music and festivals in Serbia

– The best Balkan food in Germany

Meet The Host of the “Foreigners speak Serbian” Podcast

German speaks Serbian: Interview with Henning Jochem 4

Magdalena Petrovic Jelic

Dedicated Serbian language teacher with a mission to create the best place on the web for learning Serbian. Polyglot and perpetual language learner. True grammar lover. Mother of a 3 years old Viktor and tireless story-teller.


Posvećena profesorica srpskog jezika sa misijom da stvori najbolje mesto na internetu za učenje srpskog jezika. Poliglota i večiti učilac jezika. Iskreni ljubitelj gramatike. Majka trogodišnjeg Viktora i neumorni pripovedač.


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Learn Serbian Today!

The sooner you start learning, the sooner you’ll start talking. Take action today!

Choose one of our Serbian language courses at our Serbian language school Serbonika: Start with our FREE introductory Serbian course and learn Serbian right away!

My Daily Routine Serbian Language Podcast – Moja dnevna rutina

1. sezona – 2. epizoda – 26 minuta

My Daily Routine Serbian Language Podcast

“Moja dnevna rutina”

What’s better to do on the Serbian New Year’s Eve than to podcast? Is it a working day or a holiday in Serbia? Join me as I chat about our holidays and normal days, about my family’s daily routine in Serbian.

Some of the topics covered:

  1. working and non-working days in Serbia,
  2. Serbian New Year, 
  3. family routine and days off,
  4. school holidays,
  5. the challenges of parenting a young child
  6. using perfective and imperfective verbs when talking about routines.

Did you get yourself a cup of coffee? Perhaps a notebook and a pen? Great! Let’s talk about our day-to-day life.


Read the list of words and phrases in Serbian listed below in the Vocabulary. That will help you understand more when you listen to “My Daily Routine Serbian language podcast” episode.


Daily Routine Serbian Vocabulary

sipati, sipam (to pour) Sipam hranu u tanjir. Sipam vino u čašu.

gore (up, upstairs; but also: worse)


radni dan (working day; week day)

neradni dan (non-working day)

raspust (school holiday) Deca su na raspustu.


poremećen, poremećena adj. (disturbed)

remetiti, perf. poremetiti (disturb)


buditi se, budim se (wake up)

doručkovati, doručkujem (eat breakfast)

voziti, vozim (drive)

počinjati, počinjem (start)

vratiti se, vratim se (return, come back)

odlaziti, odlazim (go, leave)

paliti, upaliti (light fire; start the engine)

izvlačiti se, izvlačim se (pull out; get away with; avoid duties)

spomenuti, spomenem (mention)

nahraniti, nahranim (feed)


predsoblje (foyer)

igraonica (playroom)

prati, perem (wash)

naterati, nateram (force)

privoleti, privolim (make someone do something)

uspeti, uspem (succeed, make it)

birati, biram (choose)

odlučivati, odlučujem (decide)

zaspati, zaspim (fall asleep)

ustati, ustanem (get up)

stići, stignem (arrive)

pokazati, pokažem (show)


zbrka (confusion)

pažnja (attention)

obaveza (duty, obligation)


brinuti, brinem (take care)

staviti, stavim (put); postaviti sto (to set the table for a meal)

ugrejati, ugrejem (warm up)

zalepiti, zalepim (to glue); lepak (glue)

 osetiti, osetim (feel)


odvesti, odvedem (to take someone somewhere)

odvesti, odvezem (to take someone somewhere by car)

otići po nekoga negde: Otišla sam po Viktora u vrtić.

pokupiti (pick up): Pokupila sam Viktora iz vrtića


trčati, trčim (run)

trkati se, trkam se (race)

utrčati (run into)

pozajmiti, pozajmim (borrow)

zadržati, zadržim (keep)


izneti, iznesem (take out)

uneti, unesem (take in)

odneti, odnesem (take away)

završiti, završim (finish)

Aspect Pairs of Verbs Used

/imperfective – perfective/

čitatipročitati (to read)

gasitiugasiti (to extinguish)

buditiprobuditi (to wake someone up)

buditi seprobuditi se (to wake up)

kuvati – skuvati (cook)

piti, pijem popiti, popijem (drink)

pisati, pišemnapisati, napišem (write)

PITANJA – Questions About Your Daily Routines

Kakva je tvoja dnevna rutina? – What is your daily routine like?

  1. Kada se budiš?When do you wake up?
  2. U koliko sati ustaješ?At what time do you get  up?
  3. Šta obično doručkuješ?What do you usually have for breakfast?
  4. O kome brineš?Who do you take care about?
  5. Gde radiš?Where do you work?
  6. Kako i kada odlaziš na posao?How and when do you go to work?
  7. Kada se vraćaš kući? – When do you come back home?
  8. Koja je razlika između radnih i neradnih dana?What’s the difference between working and non-working days?
  9. Šta se događa kada je tvoja rutina poremećena?What happens when your routine is disturbed?

Meet The Host of Daily Routine Serbian Podcast

My Daily Routine Serbian Language Podcast - Moja dnevna rutina 5

Magdalena Petrovic Jelic

Dedicated Serbian language teacher with a mission to create the best place on the web for learning Serbian. Polyglot and perpetual language learner. True grammar lover. Mother of a 3 years old Viktor and tireless story-teller.


Posvećena profesorica srpskog jezika sa misijom da stvori najbolje mesto na internetu za učenje srpskog jezika. Poliglota i večiti učilac jezika. Iskreni ljubitelj gramatike. Majka trogodišnjeg Viktora i neumorni pripovedač.


Subscribe to my YouTube channel!

Related pages

Start Learning Serbian Today!

The sooner you start learning, the sooner you’ll start talking. Take action today! Choose one of our Serbian language courses or contact us with any question you might have.

Serbian Christmas Podcast – Božić u Srbiji

1. sezona – 1. epizoda – 26 minuta

Serbian Christmas Podcast for learning Serbian 

“Božić u Srbiji danas”

So many memories, so many traditions… What we actually do for Christmas and what traditions we still keep in Serbia – that’s a burning topic in this time of the year. Because many traditions are dying away in the new age. In this Serbian Christmas podcast, I’m talking about what we did when I was a child and what traditions we still keep alive. I also explain the pagan symbolic behind some of the customs.

Some of the topics covered:

  1. old pagan practices kept until today,
  2. Serbian Christmas Eve and Christmas tree,
  3. what we did in my family when I was a child,
  4. and what we do now,
  5. typical food served on Christmas,
  6. fasting and non-fasting food…

If you’re a beginner, maybe you’ll want to read more about the Serbian Christmas traditions on my blog or learn basic Christmas vocabulary first.

This episode is best followed with some mulled wine or “šumadijski čaj” (boiled rakija) – a typical winter souldrink in Serbia.

Check out the Serbian vocabulary and expressions listed below that will help you understand more when you listen to this Serbian Christmas podcast episode.

Serbian Christmas Podcast Vocabulary


običaj (custom)

praznik (holiday)

Nova godina (New Year)

Badnje veče (Christmas Eve)

Božić (Christmas)

Bog (God)

hrišćanstvo (Christianity)

hristijanizovati (christianize)

hristijanizovan (christianized)

krst (cross)

post (lent, fast), postiti (to fast)

pravoslavac (orthodox man)

vernik, vernici (believer)

predak, preci (ancestor)


ćebe, prekrivač (blanket, cover)

jastuk (pillow), jastučić (cushion)

stolnjak (tablecloth)

pribor za jelo (eating utensils)

kašika (spoon)

viljuška (fork)

činija (bowl)

tanjir (plate)

opasač, kaiš (belt)

mrak (darkness)

sito (sieve)

pod (floor)

prag (doorstep)

vrata (door)

ugao (corner)




jelka (fir tree) Kitim jelku za Novu godinu. I ornament fir tree for New Year.

drvo (tree) Domaćin seče drvo. Head of the family cuts a tree.

hrast (oak) Hrast je sakralno drvo. Oak is a sacral tree.

grana (branch)

grančica (little branch)

šuma (forest)

slama (hay)

zrno (grain), zrnevlje (seeds)

orah, orasi (walnut)

kukuruz (corn)

žito (wheat)

Aspect Pairs of Verbs Used

/imperfective – perfective/

razumevati razumevam – razumeti razumem (to understand)

vezivati vezujem – vezati vežem (to tie, bond)

seći sečem – iseći isečem (cut, cut off)


PITANJA – Questions About Your Christmas Traditions

Kako u tvojoj porodici slavite Božić (ili neki sličan praznik)? – How do you celebrate Christmas (or another similar holiday) in your family?

  1. Koji su vaši običaji pre Božića?What are your costumes before Christmas?
  2. Šta radite na Badnje veče?What do you do on Christmas Eve?
  3. Koju hranu spremate?What food do you prepare?
  4. Koji su vaši rituali?What are your rituals?
  5. Gde slavite Božić?Where do you celebrate Christmas?
  6. Da li negde idete? Gde?Do you go somewhere? Where?
  7. Da li imate goste? Koga? – Do you have guests? Whom?
  8. Koja je razlika između Nove Godine i Božića?What’s the difference between New Year and Christmas?
  9. Kakve ukrase i dekoracije imate?What ornaments and decorations do you have?

Meet The Host of the Serbian Christmas Podcast

Serbian Christmas Podcast - Božić u Srbiji 6

Magdalena Petrovic Jelic

Dedicated Serbian language teacher with a mission to create the best place on the web for learning Serbian. Polyglot and perpetual language learner. True grammar lover. Mother of a 3 years old Viktor and tireless story-teller.


Posvećena profesorica srpskog jezika sa misijom da stvori najbolje mesto na internetu za učenje srpskog jezika. Poliglota i večiti učilac jezika. Iskreni ljubitelj gramatike. Majka trogodišnjeg Viktora i neumorni pripovedač.


Subscribe to my YouTube channel!

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Start Learning Serbian Today!

The sooner you start learning, the sooner you’ll start talking. Take action today! Choose one of our Serbian language courses or contact us with any question you might have.